The OSCARS are tomorrow nite and I am pretty sure "The King's Speech" will take home best picture. I have not seen this movie but have seen the scenario enough before to know when a movie will win. It has been a complaint for a while among critics and fans that the Academy start to identify and recognize all movies as talents. A few years ago, "Wedding Crashers" came out and was at that time the biggest grossing R-rated comedy of all time, when awards came around - no nominations for screenplay, directing, acting or best film. Not only did it do good at the box office, but was raved in reiews all around as funny, crude and good.
Last year, they said the same thing about "The Hangover" which is now the biggest grossing R-rated comedy of all time and in my opinoin. one of the best. it has become an instant classic, widely quoted and well reviewd movie. Point is, if they are an academy to recognize achievements in film making and all it entails, do not leave it to a select genre with few exceptions here and there. My vote for best picture this year would be "Inception" it was an original movie, alot of natural sets over CGI at times, and a superb cast that delivered the entire team, leaving the audience having water cooler topics for days after watching.
this is like the best blog yet... more like these, less fight updates, thanks! :) - Keli